Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rounding The First Bend

I haven't blogged about my little fitness adventure in a while. Probably because while I've been getting in better shape, losing a little weight, etc., I haven't been as fully committed as I probably should be.

Yeah, I've achieved a total 7.4% weight loss since I started the day after Christmas last year and I'm proud of that and still moving forward though ever so slowly. But I fell out of the habits of writing down my food, tracking my exercise, doing some kind of physical activity with some frequency and really watching everything. I'm at the point where my straying hasn't hurt me but it hasn't helped me either.

I'm at a crossroads.

This is my opportunity to acknowledge that sure, I slipped a little but not enough to undo my good work and that I can easily hop back on the fitness wagon. And I've been doing it starting this week. Already I've done weight training twice and cardio once and it's not even Friday yet.

So as I edge closer to completing that first 90 days on my own self-guided, healthy life program, I'm looking to this time as a chance to summarize the first 90 days, a chance to recognize where I started and where I sit now.

This next week, I'll be dusting off the food diary and integrating that into my days again.

ll be committing myself every day to some kind of fitness activity no matter HOW busy the week gets.

I'll be using the free online tools I previously used to pick new weight training routines, get nutrition and exercise advice and chat with other people with similar struggles.

I'll be taking measurements to notate my progress over the past 90 days and perhaps this will help me realize that it really has been worth the time and sometimes aggravation and pain. I know I've lost some inches because I feel it every time I put on certain shirts or pants, but the scale just doesn't reflect the degree yet.

I will make the next quarter matter and 90 days from now, I'll be reporting on my latest positive progress.

I'm determined to make it so.


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