Saturday, October 20, 2007

Once Upon A Freakish Time

Here's where we went tonight. Brandon's girlfriend Tiffany gets involved with the local rec center to put this intricate thing together and they do it all for the community for free.

Pretty cool.

I'd show you pictures inside the wild and wacky, ghoulish and gory disturbed fairy tale haunted house, but unfortunately, the strobes and darkness led to well, some not so great shots. But it's always great getting together with Brando to support his lady.

But the most disturbing thing at this year's event was how many parents brought really young kids.

I sure hope this little guy wasn't dragged through the haunted house!

Last year, they did a bloody mental hospital was even more deranged. (Love it.) But this year, I worried that fairy tales might hit a little too close to home for kids and once inside I was right. Sleeping Beauty screaming and pounding in her locked glass case that she wants to get out. Dorothy screaming "there's no place like home" while bloodied and beckoning to the crowd being pushed through the house. And a plea from Mother Hubbard's cupboard from the trapped children.

Man, this was just downright freakish.

And something about this guy's costume disturbs me, too.

And yet, the families and their three and four-year-olds kept rolling up for a peek. I heard one of the volunteers tell them it's really designed for kids 8 and older and adults. Nope, that didn't change that parent's mind. And we wonder why kids are so desensitived to blood, guts and violence...geez...

For the rest of us, so-called grown-ups, it was positively frightful. And I can't think of any better way to spend a Friday night.


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