Thursday, April 19, 2007

Movie Poster Madness

Movie posters. They're a part of Kuhn house interior design.

Anyone who knows us understands we're a bit obsessed with movies, Oscars and in general, anything Hollywood.

Exhibit A. And B, C, D...

Every room in the house has a movie poster according to that room's theme, but they all have one thing in common: they are beloved favorites of both of us or at least one of us. In the fitness room, Jerry Maguire. In the sci-fi/comic book themed computer room, Star Trek: First Contact. In the Native American themed master bedroom, Dances with Wolves. In the Italian-themed guest bedroom, A Room with a View. Food-focused mafia classic The Godfather in - where else? - the Dining Room. Heck, even the galaxy-themed guest bathroom is supported by the original sci-fi classic, War of the Worlds.

Yeah, we're a bit nutty about our movies.

So I found this story particularly fascinating since our walls are covered with framed movie posters of some of our favorite films ever. This list of the strangest movies posters of all time does not include many of those favorites, but it's still fascinating stuff. (And the writer's commentary about each one is almost better than the images themselves.)

Be sure to check out pages two and three, too (links at bottom). I particularly got a kick out of the tributes to Burt Reynolds and Babs Streisand. Enjoy!


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