Thursday, April 09, 2009

Billy Bob Goes Bonkers

Have you heard about the latest celebrity meltdown? This time, it's Billy Bob Thornton attempting to "promote" his band the Boxmasters on a Canadian radio station and it's in no way a manic, violent cyclone of obscenities in the tradition of Christian Bale or Michael Cera (of Juno and Superbad) but still memorable and hilarious in its own way. Kudos to FilmDrunk for this great find!

Disclaimer: I'm a huge fan of Billy Bob, the actor and screenwriter (though according to this video, he might not be too happy that I called him either of those things). Sling Blade is just about one of my favorite movies in recent decades. But as a musician, he's never knocked my socks off. Still, it's another demonstration of a star tantrum that is far beyond the scope of any sense of reality. (Is it me or is this radio host unbelievably patient and polite? I would not have made it this far without losing it.)

Billy Bob, get over yourself.


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