Sunday, May 27, 2007

Gewurz Is Good Enough For Me

We had company over tonight.

Well, it was supposed to be nine of us in all. I planned the food -- many new recipes to try. We figured out the drinks needed. Have to make sure we've got a good selection of different beers, coolers, wine, pop. We determined our lanai setup. We'll have the little putting green in this corner, the chaise lounges over there - better make room for seats near the food and clear away the area by the electronic darts.

Then, two bowed out...

Okay, maybe we'll just make these dishes. We have most of the beer we need. We'll just get a few extra coolers and setup the seating and games outside.

Then, two more bowed out.

You know, maybe we don't need to make those feta potato cakes I'd planned. Let's just go with the Southwest Vegetable Bake, the deviled eggs, dips, veggies, etc. Oh, and some subs. We'll make some mini-subs. Beer? Do we really need to buy more of those? Are we really setting up that putting green? Only three of us golf anyway.

Then, one more called to say he couldn't make it.

No, we don't need anymore beer. Just setup the food. Don't worry if the cheese gets spongy, the potato chips get floppy or the dips lose their chill. Forget the putting green. Just set up a few chairs.

The time arrived.

Put out everything. They might be here soon. Can you open up the bottle of Gewurtztraminer for me? I'm going to have a glass now.

Thirty minutes passed.

I don't care if they're not here yet. I'm eating. And maybe I feel like playing a practice game of 301, okay? Hand me that bottle. I'm having another glass of the Gewurtz.

But they arrived and it was fun. Yep, the final two and they didn't call or cancel. Good food, good drink and good times were had by all.

And four dart games (including two personal victories!), three plates of food and a bottle of Covey Run later...



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