Monday, May 14, 2007

Wisdom In The Most Unexpected Place

I am not a religious person. Never have been. And I don't really subscribe to the theory of being given a sign or signal. But I have experienced a lot of coincidence and irony in my life.

When I am struggling with decisions to make or moves to take, I'm a thinker. I am much more conservative in my actions than in my ideology. I am willing to take risks but only after seriously examining the pros and cons, the return on that risk and the sacrifices made to accommodate it.

And no, I don't normally put stock in fortune cookie rhetoric. But just recently, I was enjoying a nice lunch with my hubby, and at the end of much conversation about my latest employment situation, my next course of action became clear to me. Crystal clear.

All because of a fortune cookie that articulated precisely what I was feeling.

"You cannot discover new oceans unless you are willing to lose sight of the shore."

Yep, that about sums it up.

It's time to put on the flippers and head out into unchartered territory.


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