Friday, August 03, 2007

A Sad Day in Minneapolis

Unbelievable. I'm dumbfounded by the images.

An incident like this really makes you analyze how much we take for granted. Even the roads beneath us.

Sometimes we forget how fortunate we are. And then we're reminded.

About four or five years ago, Larry and I visited the area. I worked a tradeshow, Lar spent time catching up with old friends. We probably crossed that bridge, maybe a few times. We caught a hockey game, made our obligatory Mall of America trip (okay, two of them) and saw the sites though we only had a small window of time.



At 11:23 AM, Blogger Sally said...

Yeah, I mean, when you're driving you don't actually think anything will happen. You might even laugh at people who are afraid of bridges. It's really amazing that this can happen.


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