Saturday, October 27, 2007

Baby Shower Number One (Of Many To Come)

It seems like everyone I know is pregnant. (Don't look to me for any news soon. I'm a dog mom and that's plenty enough for me!!)

With these big news announcements, the baby showers soon follow. Today, the Tampa Tribune marketing and advertising folks celebrated the first of one of these bundles of joy on the way - Donna and Bobby Hess and their baby girl on their way around Super Bowl time!

Hey, Mama Hess - how are you doing?

Aah...This mama won't blend in with the decorations in her cool blue blouse amid a sea of pink, pink and more pretty pink. So let's have a pink party!

Some delicious food, lots of balloons, good friends and presents --- means good times for all!

Now, this mom-to-be knows a good gift when she sees one. Sigh. The treasured Diaper Genie, welcomed by any expectant parent like the coveted Lost Ark.

Good luck, mom, and congrats from the whole Kuhn clan!


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