Sunday, November 19, 2006

Give A Little Bit

Earlier tonight, HBO aired the live broadcast of Comic Relief. It's hard to believe that it hasn't been held in eight years and that it debuted 20 years ago. (I thought I was in high school when it started, but I wasn't certain until they mentioned the milestone.)

This morning, I waded through my pile of mail from various charities that I receive every week. It had been building up for some time and even when other bills are more pressing, I always make sure that on at least a few occasions a year, we sneak in these donations. I often end up giving more money and to more organizations than I budgeted for, but it usually works itself out in the end. Yep, we're supporters of the Humane Society of the United States, North Shore Animal League, ASPCA, National Resource Defense Council, Animal Legal Defense Fund, Best Friends Animal Society, National Wildlife Federation--- inhale --- Salvation Army, ACLU, FarmUSA and Sierra Club. And give to various other events that come up throughout the year.

A few years ago, I made a conscious decision to give back. I'm by no means a religious person. And honestly, my folks have never been big donors to any groups or causes. But as I got older, I started to see around me that when you do good, you feel good and that what you give, you get back. Not to get all George Harrison on you and I wouldn't say that I believe 100% in karma and certainly not in any kind of Judgement Day, but I do subscribe to the Pay It Forward philosophy (even if the end of the movie sucked and Kevin Spacey's hair looked horrible!)

As you can see, we invest a lot each year to the welfare of animals. Why? I like them better than people. Animals are real. They have no hidden agendas or deep dark motives. And they didn't ask for the circumstances and environment they live in. They're just stuck with it. If we're going to be in charge of it and in some cases, destroy it, the least we can do is try to repair some of the damage and recognize animals for the important part of the world's ecology that they are. It seems pretty simple to me.

Find what you're passionate about, what matters most to you. I really urge you to give back wherever it makes the most sense to you. Maybe it's organizations that help kids, environmental causes or political groups. It might even be your college or a local little league you or your kids were part of. Take the time to figure out what means the most to you or what makes a difference in your life and then put your money where your mouth is.

This year's Comic Relief efforts are focused on efforts to rebuild the Gulfcoast following Hurricane Katrina's destruction. Check out what the group is setting out to do this year and how much more they can do with your help.


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris - thanks for supporting North Shore Animal League America - I work for them and was really happy to see your post.

You are obviously an A-1 animal lover, so I wanted to share a couple of other things the League is focusing on right now:
We are running an anti-cruelty to pit bulls campaign, featuring a beautiful young female pit bull named Gracie that came to us with a broken leg after having been thrown off a roof. We are using her story to highlight pit bull abuse in this country and try to raise awareness about this problem and highlight Human Ed programs as a solution. Please check out Gracie’s Campaign:

and sign the petition to end pit bull cruelty.

And the other thing I wanted to mention is site called – we have just partnered with them because they are the largest NON PROFIT online adoption service in the the world, and I think they are much easier to use than Petfinder (which is a for profit company, btw).

Anyway – thanks for the mention and keep up the good work!

Jorin Hawley


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