Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloweenie To You!

Man, what a low turnout this year. Trick or treating was not all that impressive in my neighborhood this year.

Our first year in our development we received over 120 kids at the house, and the next year only 80-something. Last year, about 60 candy beggars showed up and this year? Holy cow, just 43! Wow… what a drop.

My theory is that when we moved in and people were buying houses like crazy, maybe a lot of families upgraded to larger homes elsewhere while they had the great financing opportunity and houses were more reasonably priced.

So we may have fewer households with little kids in the area. It’s possible. Or maybe people are just increasingly more afraid to let their kids go door-to-door, which if you really think about it, sounds a bit odd given today’s climate (both environmental and social). It’s scary out there…WITHOUT MASKS!

Dexter was cute as a button and as usual, quite popular with the visitors who stopped by. This year, for the first time, I decided to dress him up beyond his usual Halloween bandana. He wasn’t a big fan of the hat and by the end of the night, I caved in and removed it, so he looked more like a jester with just the goofy, purple collar.

Sigh. So much candy left. It’s a tough job.


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