Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Parties, The Sequel

Well, Dexter had another party again...

He is such a party animal.

This time, it was a chance to catch up with family and some of our oldest friends. The weather was at first questionable. We didn't even set up the tables until ten minutes before the first guests were to arrive.

But this was one time we were glad that everyone was a little late.

Our grandson Deacon had fun with his new buddy Ryan (below) who loved to ham it up for the camera.
Food was everywhere and plenty of it.

It was a great chance for old friends to get together and catch up. And people to meet others they'd heard so much about.

This is why I celebrate the excuse to have a party.

And good food.

And tasty treats and sweets.

And wine. Lots and lots and lots of wine.

Sigh. I love holidays.


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