Monday, December 31, 2007

Resolving Anything?

It's that time of year. Time to contemplate what the heck we just spent the past 365 days doing. (This year, we'll get 366 days to analyze it!)

I've put together my list of resolutions (did so last week) and I'm raring to go. In fact, I'm so raring to go. I already started.


Well, why not? It's a Monday. So what if there's technically another day keeping that golf calendar of mine hanging up on the cubicle wall? Big deal. Why can't I get cracking on those bad boys today, if I'm motivated to do so.

So I am.


Starting at 6:05 this morning, when I woke up.

Yep, still resolving.

I'll even share a few of them with you, though some of them are a little too personal to go into with great detail here. (No offense, but I'm not stepping on a scale in front of my hubby either, so I'm sure not getting into specifics here.) But I'll share a few of my favorites.

I've got 20. (Yeah, THAT many.) I guess I have a lot I want to accomplish this year. Some may even surprise you.

This year, I renamed my list. No resolutions here - they're all "I Will" statements. And that's the point. These are things that I WILL get done.
  1. I will try one new vegetarian recipe every other week.
  2. I will try one new wine I've never tried before every month.
  3. I will read a new book every month.
  4. I will plan a get-together with a close friend I don't see regularly at least once a month.
  5. I will take my vitamins every morning.
  6. I will learn more about digital photography and learn how to become a better photographer throughout the year.
  7. I will introduce myself to one cocktail I've never tried before every month. (no, I'm not becoming a lush, but I should at least know what a martini tastes like, right?)
  8. I will commit to including fitness into my daily schedule at least 5 days a week.
  9. I will commit to watching portions at each meal and making smarter eating choices.
  10. I will give myself permission to splurge once a week at one meal because it's not the food that's bad, it's the overindulgence of it.
  11. I will do one thing to my house (inside or out) every month that will make it more homey and inviting.
  12. I will improve my average golf game by 10 strokes by the end of the year.

Okay, I'll admit. This last one might be pushing it a bit, but I'm certainly going to try.

Good luck with your I WILL statements. And may you have a beautiful, promising and personally satisfying new year.

And go, Noles!


At 10:43 AM, Blogger squeekandbud said...

It sounds like you are being very ambitious this New Year. I send my best wishes for a healthy and happy 2008! I also hope that you are able to achieve every item on your list.


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