Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Michelle's Message: Do More!

Have you had a chance to check out First Lady Michelle Obama's essay at USAToday? In it, she encourages young people among us to follow a path of volunteerism and service, not to beef up college applications or score brownie points with recruiters but because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

I have to admit. I've never been a big volunteer. While I knew some kids growing up who did get involved in community fundraising and civic clubs at an early age, I don't think my generation (what are we - X, Y or Z?) really focused on other people as much as some of the generations to follow.

People always say that fashion hits cycles and much the same way I equate a generation's generosity of time and money. I've always felt the generation that followed me had much more of a conscience globally - with regard to human rights, the environment and philanthropy. To me, that generation reminds me more of the activism of the 60s, and I suppose my generation touches on the complacency of the 50s. Sad but true. We did after all grow up in the Reagan era - big stock ups (and downs), an age of do-it-to-him-before-he-does-it-to-you and definitely not an era focused on reaching out to those in need. In fact, when efforts were made to campaign for peace or change, it was successful on a broad scale (like We Are the World or Comic Relief) but it always seemed the exception not the rule.

But that's the past. I'm living in the future I only dreamt about as a teenager lost in Molly Ringwald films and Duran Duran vinyl. Obama's message should touch all of us, not just the young people she hopes to reach but those of us who've always WANTED to make a difference but haven't yet extended ourselves to do so.

It's time for all of us to stretch a little bit. Yep, me included.

It's time to leave the comfort zone. It's a whole new world.


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