Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Seinfeld's Kramer (Michael Richards) Racist Tirade

My jaw is still on the floor. When I first read about this celebrity meltdown, I thought it might be blown out of proportion. And then I saw it.

Unbelievable. So much rage, so much pathetic rage.

I watched the unexpected appearance of Richards via satellite on Letterman last night and I'm not sure if I believe the sincerity or not. He completely seems in shock still and is certainly attempting to do some damage control. But I'm sure how genuine he is. As soon as I can locate that apology footage, I'll include here and you too can judge for yourself.

When I see tirades like this, I'm reminded that we really haven't come all that far in America after all recognizing other human beings as HUMAN. I just can't believe it.


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