Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cocktail of the Month Club for January

If you're a regular wader in the Lagoon, you know that I've made some "I Will" statements for 2008 (not resolutions...these WILL happen not might...)

No. 7 --- try a new cocktail each month that I've never had before.

Now, I'll be the first to acknowledge that when it comes to drinks, I'm not exactly experienced. Beer was always the drink of choice for me in college and the only other drinking I did usually involved a pop of some kind and rum or vodka. (I know, I know, my vast portfolio in the liquor cabinet is quite impressive.) Sure, I've had a few things (a screwdriver, strawberry daq, Tom Collins, sloe gin fizz, etc.) but you'd be surprised how many standard drinks I've never tried. Now, I've become a wine person, though I'm broadening my horizons there, too, this year (see I WILL statement No. 2)

So this year, I resolved to change the whole cocktail know-nada thing. Starting tonight.

January's cocktail debut...the standard martini. Dry Gin, Dry Vermouth, a little ice stirred and drained (so I simply don't gag from a warm beverage!) and a green olive.

Bartender Larry helped serve it up for the reluctant, participant.

So many people swear by this drink, so it's got to be good, right?

Man, I was getting ill just thinking about it. But what the heck. Life's short. Let's go for it.

My report: well, I didn't finish it. I didn't need to. After about a third of it, I knew my verdict. EWWWW. As I suspected, it's not really my bag. The smell reminded me of something I'd applied to a playground wound as a kid. The taste...well, had I tried to ingest that, probably the same.

I ate the olive though. Two actually.

Dear God, what have I gotten myself into... one down, eleven to go. See ya at the bar next month.


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