Cankuhn's Tops for 2006: Best New Hobby
I used to laugh at the men in the funny green and black plaid pants and pink polos. And the thought of watching it for recreation on television, well, that struck me as just downright funny.
Now, I'm one of those goofballs. And I'm not even that good. But it's the potential to become better that I find just fascinating.
First, you have to learn how to make contact with the little white ball (or in my case, pink or purple ball, since I prefer to play it with the same seriousness of a pro putt-putter). Once you do that, the rest is practice and patience with yourself.
So many times, I'll have a hole from hell, one in which I simply cannot control what I'm doing behind the ball. I get frustrated, I wreck the ground beneath me (not on purpose, of course) and I drop the F-bomb. A LOT. But I'm starting to understand the necessity of moving on to the next hole and starting over. Every hole. Every time. It's one of the few games that you get the opportunity to start over. Eighteen times! If you can tell yourself that it's a new hole, a fresh start, and treat it as such, you can get better over time. You really can.
Larry and I have only been playing for less than a year but already I see tremendous improvement in our game. And we have many more years together to practice and work on that patience. And many, many more F-bombs to drop, too!

But golf has provided a new adventure for me this year - something I never thought I would do or could do. It's an easy way to spend a few hours with my husband, offer myself a challenge, get some sun and a little activity and forget about the rest of the world.
I haven't gotten a chance to play in at least three weeks and I've really missed it. I hope to get in a little golf next weekend, but I don't know if that will happen given holiday schedules and possible rain around the corner.
The links may have to wait for another day.
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