Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hemming and Hawing

I haven't decided if I'm going to use this blog as a personal journal to detail my next big adventure. It could be a deeply personal journey, sure to be a long road and may reveal a bit more of myself than I normally share with friends, family or colleagues who might be reading this. Then again, it will become a really big part of my life, so I guess people I know might as well understand the struggles I'm facing on a daily basis.

I'm embarking on a life change right after the holidays. I'm not waiting until January 1 or January 2, though I am waiting until after Christmas Day.

I'm going to attempt to change my life - embark on a more active lifestyle, work on my food issues and improve my health and fitness. Yep, I want to lose pounds - lots of them - and I even have a certain number in my mind for the scale and for my pants size, but I have other ways I'll gauge my success that won't involve numbers. And I will be sharing all of this over the next few months as I do my best to make a difference in my life that will help me stick around a lot longer and lead a healthier, more energized life.

Wish me luck...and any support you want to throw my way will be gladly accepted. More on this new adventure in many more blog entries to come.


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