Friday, December 29, 2006

New Kind Of Resolutions

I've been tinkering around with whether or not to even set resolutions this year. I tried something different a few years back and I've simply used this instead, modifying it slightly every year.

A friend gave me this idea, and I think it's really helpful. Make a list of 25 things you want to do in your lifetime (I say this rather than before you die, because that just sounds so macabre, doesn't it?) That's right, 25 different things and it can be anything. Maybe you want to ride a horse or learn a language or go somewhere in particular. The more concrete the better. If you make it too broad and undefined like "I want to be independently wealthy" then you leave yourself guessing, am I there yet?

I have my list and updated it two years ago, and I've already knocked off a few things on it. Own my own home, learn how to play golf...and there's some on my list that I might never get a chance to do, but if the opportunity affords it, I want to be really clear on my dreams and what I want.

Some people even go a step further and every time something is accomplished on the list, they add something new to try so there's always 25 on the list. And I might revisit that later years from now when I'm hopefully down to 10 or fewer. But for now, to ensure that I make these things happen, I just cross it off the list.

If this sounds way too arduous a task, then start smaller. Make up a list of new things you want to try in 2007- a new sport, a new hobby, a new book, even a new food you might have feared, and then keep that list posted somewhere you can see it all year. I've had fun trying new things and I've found that it can support other efforts (like taking a sedentary person like me and getting them out of the chair and doing something different). Last year, golf. This year, hmmm...guitar, maybe? Just another thought.

So make your list. And check it - every year. (This time of year is a good time to reflect on it.) And figure out what you're going to do on your list next year. I know I have. And I know I will. And who knows? Maybe along the way, I'll be able to knock off another one, too!


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