Sunday, December 24, 2006

Taking Baby Steps

Okay, I'm moving forward. A little...

I'm getting ready for Tuesday's ease into some changes to my routine. I'm not waiting until 1/1 like most people (or 1/2 or 1/3 for more realistic people anticipating lots of serious drinking and partying New Year's weekend). Nope. I'm making changes to my eating and activity level starting Tue 12/26.

So here's what I've done so far:

  1. I'm signed up for a virtual community weight-loss challenge on Here's the link if you're looking for something, too. Already I'm starting to enjoy hearing from other people and from support team members/experts about the struggles that we all share. I think it could be a really helpful program, not to exclusively help me lose the weight and get in shape, but as one little tool in the big toolbox.

  2. I purchased a brand new, full-size journal. I know that for me writing is truly an outlet to express what I'm really feeling. Now, granted - I'll use this blog as well as my communications at iVillage to share what's going on, feelings and progress...but this other journal will be a more private resource for me to not only log my numbers (pounds, inches, workout info, food diary, etc.) but I'll also be able to address some serious, heavy stuff that comes up while I'm going through these changes. And some of it, I just might want to keep between me and the journal. (No offense!)

  3. I've done a little research on Shapes Total Fitness for Women and Curves, and I really think Curves is the way to go for me. But I still need to get money info and find out more about any possible portability of the membership across locations (haven't seen that mentioned anywhere - beginning to think that may not be the case). I hope it is though, because there are locations only 3 or 4 miles from me at work - and a few only 5-7 miles from me at home. So having those options would really help me stay on task regardless of the day of the week. Also, trying to get some hours of operation info. The Web sites only tell you so much. I hope to sign up (if it's feasible) some time next week. We'll see - I'll keep you posted! Until then, I'm going to dust off the treadmill in the house and start walking again, possibly with hubby at night. It may mean a shift in my work schedule back to old hours, but I'll do whatever I need to do to make this program work for me.

  4. I've expressed interest in joining Weight Watchers again with an at-work group, but they may not get the number of people necessary for it to actually happen.

But there's still plenty to do...

  1. As I mentioned, I need to actually sign up for fitness resources and support at a nearby gym! I know that I just haven't had the luck to do this on my own and I'm pushed by other people when they're involved. I like to please other people, and honestly, it sounds strange, but I always like to be the good student. If I'm in that setting, I'll want to perform well so I get the gold star and if that helps me lose weight and get in shape, then so be it. At least I already know this about myself...

  2. I plan to have Lar take a before photo of me for my journal only --- maybe I'll share it with you later but right now, that baby is staying with me, too! But I am going to make a collage and either post in my book or somewhere noticeable in the house when I'm on the PC or in the fitness area with photos of me when I was thinner. I've never been super thin and that's not my goal. But I was in better shape, healthier and happier in my own skin. And I just don't want to be restricting myself. It's important to me that I'm able to do whatever it is that I want to do. I think seeing those images might give me hope that I can get back there again someday with patience hard work and real commitment.

  3. I plan to schedule a doctor's appointment with my general physician right away for a physical and to discuss the eating and fitness plans I'm embarking on. I think it would be a smart thing to do. I'm due anyway and I want to make sure that there aren't other medical issues that already need to be addressed. I have been experiencing some chest pains off and on over the past month and sudden shortness of breath. Not real sharp pains, and I do think they could be stress-related given the holidays, spending lots of money and increased workload lately. Last time, I was checked out by a cardio doctor I was perfectly fine and we attributed it to the stress I was under at the time, too. Still, I'm fatter now than I was then and things do change over time.

Okay, I've gotten personal enough for one day! :) But I definitely have some little steps in mind all planned out here to get this very important transformation in progress. My next step will be to map out my goals, what I want and by when, and the steps I'm taking to make it happen.

The journey is just about to begin...


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