Sunday, November 26, 2006

Is It Christmas --- Already?

Okay, I'll admit. I'm more in the holiday spirit than I expected to be. Last year, it was like a trip to the dentist to get me to even unload the Christmas decoration boxes. But this year, I'm ready.

Of course, now I'm just feeling like a big loser. Everyone in my immediate neighborhood has their lights up, their outside decorations on display --- heck, their TREE DECORATED! I feel completely behind. Will I ever catch up? Or by the time I do, will they already be setting up their Valentine's Day decorations?

I worked on Friday during the day but was able to go home early. And when I pulled up our street, there were the neighbors, setting up Santas, stringing the lights on the roof and being festive. And there was our house. With the rolled up Thanksgiving Day flag hanging limply and the little Thanksgiving wreath screaming out "I'm a has-been, you fool!"

Okay, that's it. This week. I can't promise I'll decorate but at the very least, I'll take down Thanksgiving and pull out the Christmas boxes. Perhaps by Friday night, I'll feel like setting things up and becoming holly and jolly.

I'm still eating leftover stuffing. I'm still picking up holiday photo reprints. It can't really be Christmas time already, can it?

CAN IT??!!


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