Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Now I'm a PC, not a Mac but this is funny stuff

Bill Gates Leaving the Daily Show

Monday, January 29, 2007

Feeling Good

I always cringed at the thought of working out regularly. Oh sure, I've done it in the past, during some of my old fitter days but now I actually look forward to it. Weird, huh?

And here's the really bizarre part. It's working.

Yep, I can tell already that my metabolism is revving up and heck, I'm over 35 so I'm not exactly prime material for that to happen. But this past week, I figured out that I ate out 7 times and while sometimes I made wise choices or brought half of the meal home for another time, I still consumed an enormous amount of calories several days last week. But I kept moving and I kept doing strength training exercises, which I'm starting to think is really key to the whole thing. And I already know (because I cheated and peeked on the scale a day early) that I've lost 4.5 more pounds this week... woo-hoo!

It's been a bizarre trip so far. This Tuesday marks completing my first 6 weeks. If this loss holds up, I'm a couple of pounds shy of 20. What's been so weird about this journey is that it hasn't been all that hard. Sure, I could go at a faster clip at the weight loss, but I've chosen to make this transition smoother and gentler so it becomes a part of my life and not just a fad for a few months, you know?

I'm having a ball trying to new exercises, new foods and doing new things. It's been a fun adventure so far and I can't wait to see what I tackle next.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cookie Blues

Cookie Blues - video powered by Metacafe

Monday, January 22, 2007

Where Have All The Movies Gone?

Is the American Film Institute so out of categories to celebrate movies that they must revisit an old list again?

Check out their latest announcement.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Meaningful Music

We listened to the British version of the Beatles' Help CD on the trip home from golf last night and it reminded me of many different albums that hold a special meaning to me - sometimes for quite bizarre reasons. I'm sure you have certain songs or movies or places that remind you of special events or people in your lives. I got to thinking more about this and these are a few of mine.

Now, no laughing, okay?

  • Beatles/Rubber Soul: this is my favorite typing album. I know, I know. You're going - HUH??? When I was in high school and in college, I wrote a lot of papers. My majors were always related to communications, English, humanities, composition, journalism, etc. So there were quite a few papers along the way. And one of my strange behaviors even with electric typewriters and word processors in the picture, was to do everything longhand first. Yep, I handwrote EVERYTHING. I laugh about it now because I hate taking notes without a keyboard in front of me. But after I'd handwrite it all, I could just type away without thinking a bit. And it always helped to have some lively tunes for background music to get a good rhythm going and this album - Rubber Soul - is not only one of my favorite albums of all time, it's an awesome record to, yep, type to! Goofy as it sounds!
  • Amadeus Soundtrack: I know this may sound a bit bizarre but I bought this music before I saw the movie and I was so unbelievably touched and swept up by the music, that I couldn't wait to see the movie. Up until that point, the idea of classical music befuddled me. I had no interest whatsoever, but I soon gained a real appreciation for it and actually went through a phase of listening to it non-stop for several months. I may not seek it out now but when I've listened to certain cuts by Tchaikovsky or Mozart or even Vivaldi, I still love the feeling that it gives me and I'm wanting to hear the Amadeus soundtrack right now, as I write about it. Hmmm... where is that LP?
  • Elton John / Greatest Hits: This is the first "adult" album I ever bought at the record store with my own money. To this day, I think it's his greatest stuff since it's his earliest hit recordings but my vinyl copy isn't in the best of shape. Thankfully, we own much of his early stuff on CD now anyway. Still, I have a soft spot for this album for this reason.
  • Motown's Greatest 64 Hits: My dad introduced me to Motown. He loved it, and soon I did, too. This was a four album collection of just about everybody including the Temptations, Four Tops, Jackson Five, Marving Gaye, Diana Ross and the Supremes, Rare Earth, among others. I loved it, absolutely loved it. When my dad told me that his records got destroyed in a storage shed flood (I couldn't believe he kept them there!) this was the first of his albums I set out to find and sure enough I did on Ebay. I now own it myself - and on vinyl. Woo-hoo! When I listen to this great collection, I think of my dad and that's a good thing.
  • It's a Small World: Yep, Disney really put out a kids' record of international songs performed by the boys choir that sang the famous kiddie ride theme song. They do a variety of songs from countries like France and Mexico that you absolutely would know (like Frere Jacques and Comin' to the Rye). I loved it! But being the greedy little booger I was at 12 when we had a garage sale, I sold it. Yep, what a fool. And my mom let me. So I found that on Ebay too - and now I own it again - also on vinyl! Another woo-hoo!

There's so many albums that have impacted my life. I'll probably write more about this again soon, but these are only a handful of some that have influenced me.

What music played a big part in your memories or perspective?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Things Are Hopping Along

So much has happened since I last blogged in my quest to get healthier and fit, and things are really going well, I'm happy to say. Here's some of the positive steps I've taken since I last wrote about the big "lifestyle change."

  1. We finally invested in an exercise bike! It's not the fanciest or most expensive one but it serves its purpose - another option for cardio and I've actually been using it as a warmup tool before doing strength training, too, since I need to be careful about my knees on it. And best of all, hubby is using it, too, so the fitness room has another helpful tool available to make staying active a heck of a lot easier.
  2. Yesterday, I bought some fitness bands as another tool to use during strength training routines. I'm psyched to try them out.
  3. Recently, we also invested in an economical but useful weight rack and I bought some heavier weights (pairs of 8- and 10-pound weights) to create a little selection of various dumbbells for use by Lar and me. It's small and doesn't take up too much floorspace but keeps that stuff nice and tidy.
  4. Okay, the weight watchers plan has fallen through - long story, but the at-work plan wasn't going to start until next week and frankly, I'm not a fan of Monday morning weigh-ins. To me, it's self-defeating, so I'm going to continue doing my own thing and if a little later down the road I want to look into WW again, I'll check out the LOL or WC meetings which are on Sat. mornings and Thur. nights respectively. Either of those would work if I felt that was the way to go. But I've been logging my food for four weeks now and trying to watch my calories and fat on my own, so the plan is to continue this healthy habit.
  5. I haven't been using the tools for their meal plan suggestions because I didn't really like what I saw and I don't need a food diary since I have my journal. But I am finding the online community and blog helpful and encouraging and some of the resources in the nutrition and exercise library are very helpful and I do use the online exercise journal both to plan out my strength training and stretching routines and to log what I've already done for the week to see how many calories I'm burning a day. It also keeps me conscious of everyday activity and ensures that I vary my exercise so I rest my muscles when necessary.
  6. I've been getting on average 8 hours a sleep a night. Sure, sometimes I only get 6 or so, but most nights, I'm doing really well getting close to 8 hours or more and that's been so helpful to both my peace of mind, my muscles and energy.

I'm trying to stay positive and when I have a bad day or munchy night, simply write it down and go to sleep and start all over again the next day. I'm trying to be forgiving. I'm trying to be patient. These are three things I've always struggled with but I'm hanging in there. And the good news is --- 11 pounds down. I have many to go but it's a great start. And already my joints and muscles are feeling a little looser on the golf course and in the bowling alley. And some of my clothes are fitting a little more comfortably but again, this is just a beginning. It's a long road ahead of me. But I'm in this all the way.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Unbelievable Strength and Vitality

Terri and Bindi Irwin on The Late Show With David Letterman

Did you get to see this little girl in action? She is so composed and articulate. You could tell she really thought about her answers and wasn't simply regurgitating what she'd been told to say. Her positive energy and enthusiasm really remind me of her dad and I don't feel like she's being used for commercial reasons. I sincerely believe that she wants to carry out her dad's work because clearly she respected him and enjoys doing the kinds of things he did. And I'm most impressed with her mom who, as with her husband, lets her daughter have the limelight and only jumps in to rescue her when Bindy indicates she needs a little help. It's the coolest thing to watch these two together. I really wish the best for this family and it's hard to believe it's only been 4 months. Wow.

Enjoy this typically awesome interview by Letterman. You can really tell that he's impressed with the little girl, too. Too cool...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Sweet Link

Did you see this?

It's the neatest thing!
After all, who wouldn't want to become one of the best-tasting, coolest candies?


Friday, January 05, 2007

Sock It To The Donald

I'm not getting in the middle of the Rosie vs. Trump feud, but if you'd like your shot at taking out the Donald, you've got to try out this new cool game at

It's the Battle of the Bobblehead Dolls - it's Bobblehead Bash!

Dwight of "The Office" vs. Donald Trump. You can be whichever person you'd like to be and smack the crap out of the other.

Just good clean fun. Click here to play.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Getting Moving, Getting Positive

Yep, that's what I'm doing.

I'm happy to say that since my Dec. 24 entry when I laid down all of these things I was going to do or decisions I'd make, that I've actually taken some action. I termed them baby steps and they are really, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

Let's see, what have I done so far in my quest to get healthier and more active:

  1. I've already started tracking - food, water, sleep, activity. You name it, it's in the journal. I'm finding that this new outlet is a great place for me to not only monitor how I'm doing to determine why I feel the way I do (good or bad) but to also be honest and voice my concerns, my weaknesses and not be judged. The journal's been great...and I've missed doing this since I used to journal all the time in my 20s.
  2. It seems our at-work Weight Watchers program will happen after all, and I will be participating in it. Supposedly, our first week will be some time in the next two weeks. I of course have not been waiting for anything to start. I've just been watching my calories and trying to walk more and watch late-night munchies, and those have been pretty successful so far.
  3. Though the challenge officially starts tomorrow, I've been keeping up with the little virtual community that will be also taking part in their weight-loss challenge together. I contribute where I feel I might have something of interest or importance to offer and I read the other people's comments. And it truly does reinforce that I am not alone even though sometimes I might feel like I am.
  4. While I'll admit I haven't returned to our community center gym or hopped on the treadmill just yet - planning to tomorrow for sure! - the good news is that I found the treadmill again! That's right, the so-called fitness room that has been buried by boxes, clutter, paperwork and presents has officially been freed! You can actually see the floor again and plans to move out of there the old PC and desk so we can perhaps add another piece of equipment - like a bike - are in motion! Woo-hoo! :) This is big progress. Believe me!
  5. Yep, I've got my before shot. I asked Lar to take one just like I mentioned in my Christmas Eve to do list. It's in my journal. And no, you are definitely not seeing it. Not yet anyway.

I still need to make the effort to see my general physician, probably have a physical and make sure that everything's cool to proceed with an aggressive exercise program. But I am ready to get set, get moving and get fit!

Lay it on me!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year's, Everybody!

Start 2007 out just right with a favorite of mine. U2 and New Year's Day.
