Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A New Gig

I'm happy to report that I'm going to be wearing a new hat professionally speaking...or skirt.

My newspaper's owner Media General is launching a new product in April called skirt Magazine! It's a very successful magazine in other markets, originated in the Charleston area, but now Tampa Bay is lucky enough to launch its own local version of the sassy, snarky women's magazine. And I'm the new editor. (Can I hear a woo-hoo from the Lagooners out there?)

I cannot wait to get out into the area telling people about it, interviewing local superstars that no one knows about and unveiling this fresh, fun publication with real attitude.

This is definitely like nothing I've ever done before, like no other project I've gotten the opportunity to work on, let alone steer. I can't wait to get started!

I'll officially move into the new role in mid-Feb but I'm already working up ideas for content and developing an action plan.

Sigh. I've missed the joy of project management. This is going to be scary as hell but a blast, just the same.

More to come on this exciting venture very soon...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Christmas Again?

We had some visitors today.

Christmas came again as we finally got a chance to watch our grandson tackle those Christmas presents from us, his uncle and Santa Claus himself.

He and his pops and stepmom had been on a trip right after the holidays, so it was time to enjoy the holidays once again.

And hangout with superheroes. Behold Superman and his apprentice!

I'm always amazed how much he's grown since the last time we've seen him. He truly is one handsome little man.

Oh sure, he looks sweet and innocent enough...but wait until he gets going on that new drum set his uncle bought him.

The neighbors are gonna love him...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Oscar Run Begins...

Today we officially started OSCAR RUN '08 (sound the horns here!)

And what better way to do so than with two films with oodles of nominations and best of all, two that we actually look forward to seeing...

Michael Clayton and No Country for Old Men.

I was impressed with both of them. For me, Michael Clayton started off slowly and took some time to build interest and anticipation for the viewer. But once it got rolling, I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. Tom Wilkinson, up for best supporting actor, is phenomenal in the role of Arthur - a seemingly crazy, delusional man with a big tale to tell.

As the story unfolds, we find ourselves enthralled with Michael Clayton's mission which he reluctantly accepts...and I love how flawed a character Michael Clayton is. It really lends some truth to the performance. George Clooney is terrific as always in a role that fits him like a glove. I have a feeling that he will be passed over for a louder, more boisterous performance (such as Daniel Day Lewis - from what I've heard) because Clooney knows how to be that everyman so naturally, he makes it look so easy, much the same way Paul Newman did for years. At least George nabbed a supporting nod early on, unlike Paul who was awarded years later for a role that wasn't even worthy of nomination let alone a win...The Color of Money, for those of you movie buffs out there.

No Country for Old Men is a tale of decisions. What would you do? What should he have done? Josh Brolin is a man who makes a decision and that decision maps out the path of much of the movie. Tommy Lee Jones must deal with consequences. And Javier Bardem is the man carving out consequences all over the place!

All of the performances are terrific, but the attention Bardem is getting is truly warranted. He's haunting, mesmerizing and absolutely unlike anything we've ever seen in a movie before. You will not and cannot forget his performance and for that, as much as I loved Wilkinson and may enjoy the other three supporting actors, Bardem will be awarded the best support award. Mark my word. This is an unforgettable performance, plain and simple.

I liked the quirky nature of the movie at times. It reminded me of Fargo (another Coen brothers film and in my mind, a masterpiece!) I can't say that I enjoyed this as much as Fargo, but I do get the allure of the picture with Academy members. It's got its own pace and feel, unlike other films and the bizarre banter between sheriff and deputy had me in stitches much of the time yet Bardem's turn had me shrieking in various parts of the picture. (And let me tell you that I wasn't alone in my shrieks in the theater!)

Overall, both movies are well worth the price of admission and make a wonderful start to this year's run...

Eight nominations and 2 films down. 22 nominees and 17 more movies to go!

January's Wine Of The Month

For those of you who dip into the lagoon often, you know that I have some "I Will" statements for 2008 (not to be confused with resolutions). I'm doing pretty well on most of them, but one of them is to try out one new wine every month which I haven't done yet.

So this month, I decided to try a popular wine that I've been meaning to explore for a while: California Zinfadel.

The verdict? I like it and was a little surprised. I'd had some not-so-pleasant taste tests with Merlot and Cabernet Savignon. I've since learned a little bit more about wine since then - that what you're eating along with the wine can have a major impact. And I've certainly developed some preferences for sweeter, fruitier wines - even borderline sparkling wines.

But I was knocked out by this wine's full aroma, smooth taste and how well it blended with the extra sharp cheese I was gnawing.

There are definitely wines I can drink alone, with nothing on my plate (Moscato, White Zin, Riesling), but this is one that with the right food accompanying it, is something I can seriously enjoy.

Thumbs up to California Zinfadel! more wine to add to the list!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Strange News

The story has been everywhere and though he wasn't my favorite actor currently, I have always enjoyed his work - even if I didn't like all of his movies.

Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment yesterday - apparently drug related, but possibly an accidental overdose from prescriptions.

Why am I bummed out as much as I am? Maybe it's because I always felt like he didn't get much attention in movies where other actors had the spotlight. He was terrific as Billy Bob Thornton's son in Monster's Ball. I loved him in Mel Gibson's The Patriot. I have a soft spot for 10 Things I Hate about You but it is mainly a Julia Stiles vehicle. And of course, A King's Tale really got him noticed but didn't really showcase him as much as the kooky ensemble, particularly Paul Bettany who for many scenes, stole the show.

But it was Brokeback Mountain that got people talking about him though he shared the attention with Jake Gyllenhaal. I only wish I liked that movie. My disdain for the movie has nothing to do with the subject matter and a gay relationship. I simply didn't believe in the love story - it seemed poorly developed and for me, made the story less realistic and gritty and more forced. But hey, that's just me. His performance wasn't bad (better than Gyllenhaal in my estimations).

I have a feeling I'm going to be completely stunned by his Joker portrayal in the next Batman installment. But man, it's going to be spooky watching him in that. Like watching The Crow right after Brandon Lee's accidental gun death.

R.I.P, Heath. They're going to be talking about you for a while - good and bad and mainly speculative. But of all things, you were a really promising actor. It's just too bad.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hooray For Hollywood's Big Morning

Today, the official Oscar nominees were announced and as always, Larry and I made our predictions beforehand and taped this morning's ceremonial announcement of the 2008 Oscar nominations.

Of course, the real question of the day is will there even be an Oscars telecast this year? Sigh. Sure hope so. I look forward to this thing all year. And best of all, the Oscar run before it.

I've been going on Oscar Runs since college. I think I was 19 when it all started. Always loving to express my opinion, I thought 'wouldn't it be awesome if I could express an educated one?'
I'd grown up memorizing Oscar winners as a kid in middle school and high school. It would make sense that this fascination with Hollywood and its big night of back-patting would stick with me well into my thirties. So how did we do with our predictions this year? Not too badly. I beat Larry with my initial guesses 22 to 21 out of 30 nominations. Pretty good, I guess.

No real surprises if you ask me. Okay, maybe I was a little surprised that after so many early raves about Waitress last year, that the lead would have been nominated, but I think Juno has stolen away its chance to be this year's Little Miss Sunshine. And we all know that in the Oscars, you can only have one light, pleasant comedy amid a sea of downers... but no real surprises otherwise. Daniel Day-Lewis, the chick from La Vie En Rose, Hal Holbrook, Cate Blanchette x 2 (yea! I like her!) I figured on most of these. Probably the biggest shock is how much the Academy spread out the nominees across films - 19 in all! And we haven't seen a damn thing. Yikes.

So now the real fun begins --- how to tackle 19 movies in less than a month. Oy. But that's okay, I'm up for it.

What did you think of this year's round-up?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Difficult Dishes

Now I know I'm rubbing off on my husband with my demented sense of humor. (Or he's rubbing off on me...hmm)

This morning, he cut out the following helpful recipe from this Sunday's coupon section in the Tampa Tribune.

Sure glad they included instructions. Whew!

Kudos, Lar, for a great find!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Little Blue Man!

It's hard to believe that it was only eight years ago that Dexter came into our lives.

He started as a little blue dachshund-chihuahua mix referenced in a phone call. But he grew to be so much more. Check out the story of Dexter here to learn more about how such a cute little booger came into our lives.

Tonight, we rewarded him with the ceremonious container of filet mignon (and thoroughly grossed out this vegetarian).

You know I must love him to go through this torture. Ewww... but to him, it truly is caviar.

Yeah, I think he enjoyed it. And on Yia Yia's fine china. Why's a special occasion.

Mmm...good to the last plop.

Happy Anniversary, little man. We sure do love you.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cocktail of the Month Club for January

If you're a regular wader in the Lagoon, you know that I've made some "I Will" statements for 2008 (not resolutions...these WILL happen not might...)

No. 7 --- try a new cocktail each month that I've never had before.

Now, I'll be the first to acknowledge that when it comes to drinks, I'm not exactly experienced. Beer was always the drink of choice for me in college and the only other drinking I did usually involved a pop of some kind and rum or vodka. (I know, I know, my vast portfolio in the liquor cabinet is quite impressive.) Sure, I've had a few things (a screwdriver, strawberry daq, Tom Collins, sloe gin fizz, etc.) but you'd be surprised how many standard drinks I've never tried. Now, I've become a wine person, though I'm broadening my horizons there, too, this year (see I WILL statement No. 2)

So this year, I resolved to change the whole cocktail know-nada thing. Starting tonight.

January's cocktail debut...the standard martini. Dry Gin, Dry Vermouth, a little ice stirred and drained (so I simply don't gag from a warm beverage!) and a green olive.

Bartender Larry helped serve it up for the reluctant, participant.

So many people swear by this drink, so it's got to be good, right?

Man, I was getting ill just thinking about it. But what the heck. Life's short. Let's go for it.

My report: well, I didn't finish it. I didn't need to. After about a third of it, I knew my verdict. EWWWW. As I suspected, it's not really my bag. The smell reminded me of something I'd applied to a playground wound as a kid. The taste...well, had I tried to ingest that, probably the same.

I ate the olive though. Two actually.

Dear God, what have I gotten myself into... one down, eleven to go. See ya at the bar next month.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Big Weekend For Birthdays

Shout out to a few buddies having birthdays over this weekend and early next week... yesterday was our buddy John B.'s birthday, today our golfer buddy Josh H. turned the big 3-0 (may your youth R.I.P.).

And on Tuesday, my favorite Superman fan (next to my hubby, of course) Jared turns the big 3-GASP...don't worry, been there, done that, buddy. You'll get over it! :)
Know who else is having a birthday this weekend? A similarly interesting brood...

On the 11th ... Alexander Hamilton (watch out for that gun, buddy)

Today (the 12th) ... Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh and Rob Zombie, all on the same day(ewww, that's just weird...poor Howard!)

On the 13th ... Orlando Bloom and Patrick Dempsey celebrate (okay, you can inhale again, ladies)

On the 14th ... Jason Bateman, LL Cool J (that's right, Mama said knock you out) and Andy Rooney??!! (did you ever notice he just doesn't go away? Ever?!)

And on the 15th ... some very esteemed figures... the late Martin Luther King, Jr., Cardinal John O' Connor and Charo.
That Geico commercial has really revitalized her career. Now if only THE LOVE BOAT was still sailing...

Happy Birthday, everybody, to some of my favorite people!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Comic Book World Is Rocked

Spiderman, Spiderman...
Lost his wife and ticked off his fans...

Read all about it!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's A Squeaker

Hillary sneaks out a victory in N.H., and it appears the race is on. The Kuhn house is a happy place.

Sure, I've made no secret of the fact that I've been dreaming of a Gore campaign, but of the candidates running, Hillary's got the job.

But the real question remains: why did Florida democratic leadership make such a disastrous move to discount their own people's votes?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bhutto Uh-oh

I'll be curious to see what kind of flak the paper gets over this one.
PARADE Magazine had an exclusive interview with Benazir Bhutto scheduled to run Sunday, Jan. 6. Only one problem, this went to print just before she was assassinated. The Tribune received notification from the magazine of this irony and an explanation that the magazine was already printed and could make no mention of the circumstances since the interview. As a former marketing contact, I even received that e-mail from them.

So we ran it and with just a short note on the front page which really didn't point out that the publication had been printed. I thought it was a rather weak explanation.

And now I read that papers everywhere are being bombarded by calls and letters about how unprofessional it was for any papers to run the story. I don't know whether or not we were slammed with calls at our paper, but I too thought that maybe we could have printed some kind of insert and tacked it to the section like a post-it note so it was very clear that our hands were clean of this "goof."
Oh well... just one more indication that the world moves much too fast for print news these days.