Tuesday, February 12, 2008

If I Could Talk to the Animals...

I wasn't all that pumped up about going to Animal Kingdom. I really wasn't.

I love animals but the idea of using them in an entertainment setting (cageless or not), just didn't appeal to me.

We had one more day left on our Florida 3-park Disney pass and had never gone before. So we went.

Here are some shots from the day.

Yeah, that's a bat. Cool, huh?

And at least I got to pet some cool animals.

That's not too baaad.

Monday, February 11, 2008

February's Wine of the Month

I am continuing my mission to try new wines this year and since it's a new month, that means it's time to be adventurous once again.

This month's special wine? Pinot Noir.

I must say that I entered into the taste test a bit reluctant. I have not experienced much success with the reds but supposedly this one would be different. At least that's what I'd heard and read.

Last month, I enjoyed the pleasant surprise with California Zinfadel. How would Pinot Noir score in my book.

The verdict?

Not too bad. Sure, I prefer Pinot Grigio, but I must say that after a few sips with dinner, it grew on me. I can't imagine that on its own, without food to accompany it that this one would be a big hit. But with my crockpot veggies, salad and soy burger, it wasn't too bad. The rich cherry flavor was pretty bold and I like the full body of it. It wasn't quite so scary after all. Still, every day I come to appreciate more and more the whites which just resonate with me more. Perhaps that will change eventually. For now, I know what I like. But that doesn't mean I'll stop exploring.

Now what should I pick for March? Hmmm...

Any suggestions?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Aah...vacation time!

Larry and I are on vacation this week. It started with a wonderful visit to a friend's house Friday night, some shopping adventures on Saturday and today, a little links action. This time, our buddy Brenda joined us at The Groves in Land O Lakes.

Great course - lots of variety - well-maintained - and the weather today, absolutely gorgeous.

Usually, we see quite a bit of wildlife at this course. Once before in one afternoon we saw two gators (big and little), a little family of sandhill cranes and a cute kitty who pooped on hole 18's teebox (and cleaned up after himself, of course).

Today, just this big guy hanging out...
...and lots of birds. Unfortunately, not too many birdies, but a couple good holes just the same.

Sigh. I love this sport.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

February's Cocktail of the Month

Behold the Mojito.

If you've been following my progress with my New Year's "I Can' Statements for 2008, you know that I'm test-driving new wines and cocktails every month, introducing my palate to a plethora of exciting tastes, textures and tipsiness to new heights (or depths, depending on how much they knock me out, of course).

Last month, it was California Zinfadel and martinis (a hit and a miss, respectively). This month, I tapped into my buddy Amy's advice on a new drink in my stratosphere - the Mojito. Her brother started the business The Mojito Company, in fact.

Aah, the Mojito. A delicious blend of rum, bitters, sugar, mint, lime, club soda and ice.

I wish I had images of the momentous occasion but I'm happy to share the results of the big debut. And the verdict is?

DELICIOUS - refreshing - surprisingly sweet but not-too-sweet. And packing a sneaky little wallop that only came to visit when I rose from the table to move the glasses to the kitchen.

Thumbs up from this freshman indulger... and thanks, Amy and Chris, for going through the trouble and for sending me home with the personal muddler!
Or what looks like a combination of a bowling pin, potato masher and - ahem - "neck massager" all rolled into one.

It's a lot of work to prepare, but in the end, it was deliciously worth it! Ole!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Cheesing It Up

I have my soft, sensitive, sappy side. (I know, I know...hard to believe.)

Yep, I dig a little ABBA sometimes. Occasionally, I don't mind a mellow Chicago or 80s Kool n the Gang tune. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

But when my friend Kim sent me this list of The Cheesiest Songs of All Time, I was downright disturbed.

I am one big-time vat of Cheez Whiz, because I love a bunch of them. Foreigner just wants to know what love is. Air Supply are just tender, sensitive fellas. Billy Ocean was a groovy guy (as long as he wasn't singing about getting into his car or the tough getting going.)

See what you think.

Bryan Adams? Come on, man!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Finer Life in Florida

Now, you see, I read this story about two examples of perfect parents, and I know exactly why I love Florida so much. It's because of unique individuals like this who make all of us in the state look so respectable and couth.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Oscar Run's Second Lap

The Oscar Run continues...
Today, Lar and I hit Spring Hill's cheap-o cinemas for a double-feature to help move along our Oscar Run.
Saturday's features?

Juno and Atonement... these movies couldn't be more different. And so were our reactions when they ended.

Juno sweeps you off your feet, heck, during the opening credits. It's funny, spirited, smart, cool and resolves nicely.
Atonement? Just didn't get the allure. Could be interesting story. Everyone is so overly dramatic, so many plotlines seem they could have been resolved easily in one simple conversation. Frankly, I don't know why the movie's nominated. The young actress (aka beotch character from the movie) is good but not THAT good.

I'm sure there will be an easy replacement on my Oscar nominees list. But as for the ones we've seen so far (today's Juno as well as Michael Clayton and No Country for Old Men from last week), these three all make the grade.

We also watched Viggo in Eastern Promises tonight. I thought he was good but probably not good enough to beat the others for lead actor. I'm sure Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood has this one in the bag. That's our last Best Picture to see - maybe next weekend or while we're on vacation. In Eastern, Naomi Watts was really good (as usual). Not sure why she was overlooked for this one. For ladies who are fans of Viggo for his - ahem - talents, three words: bath house scene. That's all I'm saying.

Fourteen nominations down. Sixteen to go...woo-hoo!