Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloweenie To You!

Man, what a low turnout this year. Trick or treating was not all that impressive in my neighborhood this year.

Our first year in our development we received over 120 kids at the house, and the next year only 80-something. Last year, about 60 candy beggars showed up and this year? Holy cow, just 43! Wow… what a drop.

My theory is that when we moved in and people were buying houses like crazy, maybe a lot of families upgraded to larger homes elsewhere while they had the great financing opportunity and houses were more reasonably priced.

So we may have fewer households with little kids in the area. It’s possible. Or maybe people are just increasingly more afraid to let their kids go door-to-door, which if you really think about it, sounds a bit odd given today’s climate (both environmental and social). It’s scary out there…WITHOUT MASKS!

Dexter was cute as a button and as usual, quite popular with the visitors who stopped by. This year, for the first time, I decided to dress him up beyond his usual Halloween bandana. He wasn’t a big fan of the hat and by the end of the night, I caved in and removed it, so he looked more like a jester with just the goofy, purple collar.

Sigh. So much candy left. It’s a tough job.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Halloween Treat For You

Hey, how'd you like the opportunity for an awesome holiday treat (even if it is a few days early)?

Check out this very cool bubble wrap game that my friend Kris sent me. Click on the bubbles and see how many you can pop before you run out of time, and see what you win!

Oh, and be sure to turn up the sound so you can enjoy the soothing sounds of fun bubblewrap popping. Have fun.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Baby Shower Number One (Of Many To Come)

It seems like everyone I know is pregnant. (Don't look to me for any news soon. I'm a dog mom and that's plenty enough for me!!)

With these big news announcements, the baby showers soon follow. Today, the Tampa Tribune marketing and advertising folks celebrated the first of one of these bundles of joy on the way - Donna and Bobby Hess and their baby girl on their way around Super Bowl time!

Hey, Mama Hess - how are you doing?

Aah...This mama won't blend in with the decorations in her cool blue blouse amid a sea of pink, pink and more pretty pink. So let's have a pink party!

Some delicious food, lots of balloons, good friends and presents --- means good times for all!

Now, this mom-to-be knows a good gift when she sees one. Sigh. The treasured Diaper Genie, welcomed by any expectant parent like the coveted Lost Ark.

Good luck, mom, and congrats from the whole Kuhn clan!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Busy Chatting Away In Tampa Bay

Look who I got to interview yesterday...two very different men.

Longtime WFLA news anchor Bob Hite...

and Tampa Bay Bucs quarterback Jeff Garcia.

They were both nice but so different from each other. Okay, they had a few things in common - both could give long answers to questions. Sometimes, very long answers... But where Bob used inflection and storytelling, Jeff had a fairly consistent tone - serious but sincere - and didn't answer questions that he couldn't respond to. Bob answered everything. Well, sorta. Okay, sometimes he didn't actually answer the question I asked but he always gave me a long answer either way. Still, both guys were chatty and nice, so I can't complain.

Today, I chatted with Buccaneers Wide Receiver Ike Hilliard, and let me tell you:

that is one cool guy. Even if he is a stinkin' Gator! (I left out the part about my being a Nole alum.) I loved the way he answered questions. You knew that every answer was honest, candid and thoughtful. Very nice guy. Yep, I like Ike.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to talk with the Bucs' defensive dynamo Barrett Ruud.
I didn't realize is leading the league in tackles. Cool. He's better and more popular than I realized. Good to know...

Anyway, look for my profile of Bob in December's Flair Magazine, in the Tampa Tribune first Sunday in December. And catch Jeff and Ike profiled in the third issue of Fanatical Access arriving at Tampa Bay area Verizon Dealers and Circuit City Verizon inside stores the Friday after stay tuned!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hitting The Trail

Today, Lar and I had a company picnic to go to (his company) but the best part was where it was being held: Hillsborough River State Park.

Neither of us had been there in a really long time (never together) and it was fun exploring the area and getting in a little exercise.

Weather was beautiful, a little overcast but rain had already passed much earlier that morning.

We headed down the Banyard Trail, a 1 mile trek, not feeling quite up to the 3-mile Florida Trail offered, too.

The scenery was beautiful and fortunately, no nature popped out to visit us on this nature trail. Sure, it would be fun to see but frankly, the two of us are such indoors people that we wouldn't know what to do if something furry with claws was staring at us on the trail.

"No, wait, we come in peace...we're just looking for our golf ball..."

Once Upon A Freakish Time

Here's where we went tonight. Brandon's girlfriend Tiffany gets involved with the local rec center to put this intricate thing together and they do it all for the community for free.

Pretty cool.

I'd show you pictures inside the wild and wacky, ghoulish and gory disturbed fairy tale haunted house, but unfortunately, the strobes and darkness led to well, some not so great shots. But it's always great getting together with Brando to support his lady.

But the most disturbing thing at this year's event was how many parents brought really young kids.

I sure hope this little guy wasn't dragged through the haunted house!

Last year, they did a bloody mental hospital was even more deranged. (Love it.) But this year, I worried that fairy tales might hit a little too close to home for kids and once inside I was right. Sleeping Beauty screaming and pounding in her locked glass case that she wants to get out. Dorothy screaming "there's no place like home" while bloodied and beckoning to the crowd being pushed through the house. And a plea from Mother Hubbard's cupboard from the trapped children.

Man, this was just downright freakish.

And something about this guy's costume disturbs me, too.

And yet, the families and their three and four-year-olds kept rolling up for a peek. I heard one of the volunteers tell them it's really designed for kids 8 and older and adults. Nope, that didn't change that parent's mind. And we wonder why kids are so desensitived to blood, guts and violence...geez...

For the rest of us, so-called grown-ups, it was positively frightful. And I can't think of any better way to spend a Friday night.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ode To Sesame Street

One of these things belongs with the other, but one of these things just doesn’t belong

Is it me or does something seem a bit out of place with this shot?

Okay, I’ll give you a hint. When you use the word “peace,” which person in this picture doesn’t come to mind?


Hail To The Goof

Is anyone having flashbacks to Pat Paulsen on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in after Stephen Colbert's big announcement?

Okay, flashbacks to RERUNS of Pat Paulsen on Laugh-in?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ghoulish Gametime

If you need a little help getting in the Halloween spirit, check out this groovy, devilish game my friend Jared found. Be sure to turn on your speakers for the full effect.

Who needs Pat Sajak, when you have this creepy fella hanging around. I couldn't get past 175 points. Let me know how you do.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Veggie Route Growing In Popularity

Did you see the story this morning on about how a growing number of kids are becoming vegetarian? I love it!

There are so many great veggie options available that now we just have to work to get the stigma removed from the word.

One step at a time!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Elvis Will Be In The Building

This is precisely why the Clintons are cool.

Look who's performing at Hillary's birthday bash?

When Bill turned 60, he had people like the Rolling Stones and Jack White (of the White Stripes) jamming at the event.

This couple just rocks.

New Dog Park in Zephyrhills

Look where we went yesterday! Lar and I had planned to take Dexter to the local Animal Coalition fundraising walk at Al Lopez Park in Tampa. But once we learned the USF football game started at noon at nearby RayJay Stadium, uh-uh. No way. We've done that before and gotten caught in tons of traffic. So we decided to try out the new dog park in Zephyhrills, located at the corner of Alston and Meadowood.

It was a groovy little place. Apparently it had debuted the same weekend as the big Kuhn wedding, so it's not surprising we missed that announcement. But Dex made up for lost time and seemed to really enjoy it.

Like most dog parks, there are two areas, one for larger dogs and another for twerps like Dexie. Dex wasted no time meeting up with the one lone explorer, Lola the Miniature Pinscher when we arrived. But also fulfilled his greeter duty when yorkies Roy and Lexie came to join in the fun.

Everyone soon drank out of both Lola and Dexter's water bowls. Well, except Dexter. He drank a little but as usual, he'd rather pant and play then stop to replenish fluids. Just like a Kuhn.

So many groovy places to roam.

And pee.
"Come back and see us!"

Yep, we'll be back. And what a cool morning Dex had with his mom and pop.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cool Careers Web Site

If people out there are currently struggling with what they want to be when they grow up (the second time around), a new blog offers some pearls of wisdom to those of us who might be analyzing our career directions or shifting careers. It's called Shifting Careers and it's been launched by the New York Times.

Check it out. It's fascinating stuff! Enjoy...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Cool Beans (Or Progressively Warmer Ones)

First, the Oscar.
Now, the Nobel Peace Prize.


(Hail to the Chief...)
Run, Al, run!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Extra, Extra! Coming Friday

Look for me tomorrow...

Yep, the new Fanatical Bucs Access magazine that I've been working on is finally making it to stands at Verizon dealers (both freestanding and those inside Circuit City stores). I'm excited... three of the four profiles in every issue will be by yours truly.

And trust me, the interviews in issue 2 get better! There were some strange circumstances for these first two that only allowed me about 5 minutes of conversation with each player.

Help make this a success with fans and stop by your nearby Verizon dealer today. And it's free!

(There's my sales pitch. I'm done. Honest.)

Apple Of My Eye

My friend Jared e-mailed me this link today and it's got me hooked already.

Catch as many apples as you can but lookout! There may be some falling on the other side.

I saved 67 my first try. How about you?

Monday, October 08, 2007

Stupidity At It Finest Yet Again

How do these people walk and talk? Or breathe? I really want to know.

This local story is unbelievably sad, stupid and appalling, all at the same time. Read on...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Another One Bites The Dust

Thank you for taking the time to visit with us, to brainstorm some ideas and to deliver some excellent writing exercises...blah blah blah…

You are a talented individual with great aptitude…blah blah blah.

Wait a minute! What’s that I hear…is it?...I think it is…could it be?

Yep. A but. There’s always a “but.”
In this case, a big “but.”

It's been a very difficult decision, BUT we have decided to continue the search for a Senior Marketing Writer…blah blah blah.

Yeah, sure. Whatever.
I’m getting rather used to these replies.

Rejection's become my new middle name.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Back From The Future...And Lots of Vino

Here's where we went yesterday with our visiting family from Rochester. No more weddings, no more rehearsals. So it was time to be a tourist. Yep, that's right. Off to EPCOT.

I hadn't been there in a while and was a little worried that it would be absolutely packed since they have the Wine and Food Festival starting this weekend.

Sure, it was definitely busier on the World Showcase side of the park, but surprisingly, the crowds weren't that bad and the rides in the Future section are far more interesting than I remember as a kid coming here. I never really warmed up to EPCOT. It always seemed so dull and Science was my least favorite subject.

The best part though was just hanging out with the family, enjoying the slightly cooler, fresh air and not working. (Amen to that!)

Aah. I love vacations.